LNER Pipe Wagon – backdated from a Parkside kit for the BR version

Back in September 2015 on these pages I started to convert a Parkside kit for a BR Pipe wagon into the earlier LNER version. I got it almost finished when I popped it aside for some reason and there it languished until recently. Looking at it, it looked like all it needed was a set of couplings and it was good to go so a couple of weeks ago I made up soe of the rather nice castings from Sanspariel and fitted them.

LNER 12 ton Pipe Wagon
LNER 12 ton Pipe Wagon
LNER 12 ton Pipe Wagon
LNER 12 ton Pipe Wagon

Of course it was only after viewing these photos that the penny dropped that it was also missing it’s vacuum pipes….

These have been added and photos of the completed wagon will follow. When I say completed, it would have been and is pending me deciding whether to repaint it. I recently received a late fathers day present from my son (it was out of stock at the time) in the form of LNER Wagons part 4B by Peter Tatlow. This combined with a discussion on Tube wagons on one of the forums caused me to study the Pipe and Tube wagon section of this book in detail trying to ascertain if the bauxite came down to and included the solebars with all below the solebars black or as a few people have painted them with the solebars and headstocks in black. By good fortune, despite them being in monochrome there are a couple of period photos that quite clearly show that I was wrong and that the solebars and headstocks should indeed be black. The jury is still out on whether I repaint it.

Parkside LMS Brake Van

Putting a few items of rolling stock into the small ads has prompted me to finish this brake van which for some reason I had completed apart from the roof. I am not sure what happened but I hadn’t painted or done anything with the roof so I set to and added a canvas covering and once that was dry I painted and weathered it and then stuck it to the van body. This will now be joining the for sale list.

Parkside LMS Brake Van
Parkside LMS Brake Van
Parkside LMS Brake Van
Parkside LMS Brake Van

Southern Pillbox Brake Van finished and sold

Last night saw the Southern Brake Van finished. Anyone who hasn’t used Glue N Glaze before I can thoroughly recommend it.

I added it to small adds and it sold fairly quickly.

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR-BR Pillbox Brake Van

A touch of the Southern rolling across the bench

During last week I took a little time out on a couple of evenings to get the top coat of paint on ready for transfers.


A more knowledgeable gent than I also pointed out that I had made an error with one of the brake linkages so I will have a look at sorting that.

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van


I then blackened the buffers and added a decent set of 3 link couplings.


To blacken the buffer shanks I heated then to cherry red with the microflame and dunked them in a small pot of oil (I used 3 in 1 but apparently any oil even cooking oil will do the job). When cool take them out and wrap in kitchen paper to soak up all the oil and leave until the next day when they are ready for fitting – Please note this method is only any good for steel buffer heads

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van


Parkside Southern Brake Van

I had a really busy weekend this weekend and one the things that I made much progress on was the SR Brake van that I started earlier in the thread.
After work today I gave it blast of primer and here it is.

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Parkside SR Pillbox Brake Van – In Primer

Now I have a bit of a dilemma, I plan to sell it once it’s finished (I bought it specifically to build and sell on as I neither model BR or the Southern) and I have seen examples with both screw and 3 link coupling and I am unsure which to add – If I add screw couplings it will add another £5 to the price.
Similarly with a stove, if I add a cast stove it will again add another £5 to the cost. without my adding anything for the assembly etc. of them.
If you were a buyer would you prefer screw couplings and a stove or to get the van £10 cheaper?

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon

For those who notice such things, I have managed to correct the brakes being the wrong way around in the photos in my last post.

Plus while working on the Kirk twin art set I have been slowly assembling a Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral wagon. Not the best mouldings that I have seen from the Parkside stable but I think it will be fine once painted and weathered.

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon

I made the loops that allow the end door to open on the original from 0.6mm styrene rod which I wound around a 0.5mm drill bit in a PIN vice, I then poured boiling water over it and then quenched it in cold water which retained the coil. It was then an easy matter to trim and fit the loops. I used a couple of the off cuts to make the rings for the horse hooks. I would have normally used brass wire for these but I didn’t have any to hand the correct size so I decide to see what I could do with styrene.

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon

The more observant will note that the brake levers are in different positions in the photos. This is done because I find it a real pain masking them off while painting so I decided to make them move.

To achieve this I drilled the back of the lever and glued in a short section of 1.5mm styrene rod. I drilled through the mounting block under the sole bar and then cut a short length of 1.5mm inside diameter styrene tube to fit over the rod once it passed through the mounting block to create a locking washer which retains the lever but allows movement.

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon – Working brake levers

Parkside NBR Jubilee Mineral Wagon

Before it hits the paint shop, I still need to solder the coupling links closed and add the pins and chain to the brake levers.

A Ventilated Diversion….

Alongside progressing the Kirk twinset (all three bogies are now to the same stage) I have also put together and painted/weathered an ex LMS Steel bodied Ventilated van.
It still needs couplings and some further work before I will have achieved my aim but I am pleased with progress so far.

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside LMS Steel Bodies Vent Van (Diag D1828)

Parkside SR/BR Brake Van

A slight diversion in the form of a complete foreigner to me – a Parkside SR Brake Van.
It’s ultimately destined for the small ads but it has made a change which has resparked my interest.
This is as far as I got in a couple of sessions over the weekend.

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

It’s just posed for the photo at the minute

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

As you can see the brakes are not fixed yet.

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

I found an interior shot which showed a couple of small seats below the lookouts. There was also a separate box/locker with a lid which I may or may not model. I say that because when the lid is one there isn’t much visible inside…. Although once the interior is painted a bit more may be seen.

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

I have planked over the tops of the verandas which I appreciate isn’t visible when looking at it from above but it does enhance it as a model.

Parkside 7mm Diag 1579 SR Brake Van

Some were made to slightly different diagram in that they had additional windows added adjacent to the doors in each end. many others had them fitted later in their lives. I found a couple of photos where they survived intact without so I decided to leave them as is.
It will be finished to represent a BR liveried example so I won’t be fitting the sand boxes although having said that I am very tempted to model this one
Or this one as being something quite different. I am not sure what the time frame for it being fitted with the cylinders on the end platform though – I want to appeal to as wide an audience as possible.
[url=https://flic.kr/p/7DQE2L][img]https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2775/4366344270_2c9d84c784_b.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/7DQE2L]S49000  SR  BRAKE VAN[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/linda_chen/]Linda Chen[/url], on Flickr