Floor Cloth anyone?

While I had the paints out I also finished the weathering on the NBR Floor Cloth wagon that I built from a Majestic Models Kit (Now with Chris Basten at Dragon Models).
Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

The ‘floor cloth’ rolls are made from coloured light card (file dividers). I just need to add a tarpaulin sheet now to finish it off.
Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Majestic Models/Dragon Models NBR Floor Cloth Wagon

Christmas progress.

Although the metal construction has slowed over the last couple of weeks I have managed to crack on with painting plus making and adding transfers.

A second parkside NBR 8 ton van is in primer and the CCT just needs a few bit’s touching up and it’s ready for transfers too.


Then I finally got around to printing the “return to Kirkcaldy” transfers for the floor cloth wagon. They were printed onto white transfer paper and to achieve this I scanned the wagon side to get the grey for the background and then added the lettering. It’s not come out a perfect match but once the wagon side and the transfer is toned down a little by some weathering I think that they will look the part.

NBR-LNER Floor Cloth Wagon NBR-LNER Floor Cloth Wagon NBR-LNER Floor Cloth Wagon

Something a little different, a Majestic Models NBR/LNER Floor Cloth Wagon

Continuing on the NBR theme, I put this together once I had finished the brake van.

It’s a Majestic Models NBR/LNER Floor Cloth Wagon. aside from the etched strapping strips it only consisted of about a dozen individual parts so it went together in no time at all. In the absence of any detailed information on this I built it straight from the box with little deviation from the instructions.

Floor Cloth Wagon 001 Floor Cloth Wagon 002 Floor Cloth Wagon 003 Floor Cloth Wagon 004 Floor Cloth Wagon 005

What I need, if anyone can provide the answer is the placement of the lettering pre 1937. George Dawson had struggled to find this information and had guessed at post 1937 livery (according to his notes with the kit).