Today has been spent making underframe details – namely vacuum cylinders and Dynamos.
First up is a Gladiator Dynamo. These are a bit plain albeit very nice castings as they come, so I added a block (from square brass bar) for the wiring loom and an eye to connect a restraining chain. The “wiring” will be cut shorter and soldered to the underframe once I fit it.
Next is a bit of a comparison between the Gladiator dynamo and a Sidlelines example both are sold as LNER examples.
The Sidlelines example comes with a bracket/adjuster so I made one up from scrap etch a piece of rod that I threaded and a 14ba nut to go with the Gladiator dynamo.
Last is one of a pair of Gladiator vacuum cylinders mounted on a set of Slaters V hangers from the spares box and some scratch built levers/pivots.
The long soft brass wire will be bent round to meet up with the vacuum pipe that runs down below the solebar – when it’s fitted.