The A3 moves nearer and nearer the finish line.
The chassis is now painted and lined. -I wasn’t 100% sure that the red line ran all the way along the chassis bottom but in will be lost behind the wheels and weathering. I have only got one cylinder back on at the moment as I need a small soldering job on the other – the link to the middle cylinder came adrift as I dismantled it.
I also learned something that is worth sharing today. I use Ronseal satin hard glaze as my protective coat (the water based version). In the past despite letting it down for spraying with de-ionised water and mixing it well I have problems with blobs appearing. Today I thought that I would try letting it down with Tamiya acrylic thinners. What a difference it made to the quality of finish and the speed with which it dries. I will be trying a similar approach to spraying both matt and gloss varnish to see if it improves that too.