NBR Bogie CCT – the Silhouette strikes again

The weekend was probably the most productive that I have had in modelling terms for months or so it seemed.

With the success of the matchboard Jubilee vans I decided to have a go at assembling the body for an NBR (another NBR subject I know…… and I don’t even model the NBR). Bogie CCT.

I had noticed this while checking out prospective subjects in Historic carriage drawings volume 3 (the blue NPCS book page 57) and what appealed is that they made it to BR days and they got down at least as far as Bridlington (the photo accompanying the drawing was taken at Bridlington in 1953).

I have had a go at this primarily as a prelude to having a go at a coach.

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

NBR Bogie CCT Van

And finally to to give an idea how big it actually is – this is it with the Jubilee van sat on top of it.


Even more NBR 8 ton Jubilee Vans….

The silhouette bug has well and truly bitten….

Whilst looking through LNER wagons volume 3 for more details on the Jubilee vans that I built last week I realised that the match-board sided version is actually the same van and more importantly with the same hinge and strap details.

In true Blue Peter fashion, here’s one that I built earlier. My example being the Avery Tool van variant by Dragon Models. – Dragon also do the standard match-board sided van too (under the Celtic Connection banner).

Dragon Models NBR Avery Tool Van Dragon Models NBR Avery Tool Van

Seeing as I had Parkside NBR underframe goodies in stock, it seemed rude not to. So a quick change of the art work later and I had sides and ends drawn for a couple of examples. Then came four hours of cutting out. and a few hours of construction over the weekend giving this as the result.


NBR Matchboard Sided Jubilee 8 ton Van

NBR Matchboard Sided Jubilee 8 ton Van

NBR Matchboard Sided Jubilee 8 ton Van

NBR Matchboard Sided Jubilee 8 ton Van

I now need to crack on and get them all detailed and up on their wheels but that will be the other side of Christmas now and may well depend on what goodies Santa brings. Oh the easily distracted……

“it’s grim up North”

There is a thread on RMweb called “it’s grim up North” well last weekend it was…..at least in Bishop Auckland.
At about 10am Chris said look out the window I did and it was snowing, then came the famous last words from me, don’t worry it won’t stick….
By mid afternoon this was the view….
IMG_0014 (3) IMG_0009 (3)
And as the light was failing
All told a good 5″ inches fell.
So that meant that we had to stay in and play.
By the time I was ready to leave on Sunday here’s where I had got to with the NBR Jubilee vans.
Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 ton Jubilee Van

Lastly I cut and curved a couple of roofs – one I scored with my Olfa cutter similar to the NER CCT roof that I did on the Silhouette the other I just curved with the rounded end of a Swan Morton knife handle.
The second van isn’t quite on it’s wheels yet but it’s not far behind.

Scratch Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Before I went on my holiday I drew up and cut out parts for an early NBR 8 ton Van using this drawing as the basis,  I believe that it’s one of the Kenneth Wherret drawings that used to be found in the Model Railway News in years gone by.
NBR 8 Ton Singer Van
Sadly the weekend before last I forgot to take the main parts with me so I continued to work on the NER CCT as previously posted.
On Friday I made sure that I packed the box with the parts in and managed to spend time getting the sides and ends prepared to go together over the weekend.
The sides and ends are made up from 3 layers of 20thou with the hinges and plates cut from 10 thou. The beading is Plastruct 0.8mm half round rod.
Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Silhouette Cut NBR 8 Ton Van

Before getting the Cameo cutter I had planned to scratch build one or two of these and I had even got as far as marking out a sheet of 1mm styrene for the sides and ends. With the aid the aid of the Cameo I now have a pair of vans in the same state as the photos above from two afternoons and evenings work.