Tinkering with Brake Van Side Lamps

Another little item that I tinkered with last weekend was a couple of Brake van side lamps. I was glancing through one of the LNER wagon volumes thinking that I hadn’t built many brake vans and searching for a suitable candidate for scratch building and realised that almost all subjects that I might wish to model need side lamps.
I have a few Connoisseur and D&S brake van kits in the stash but I seem to have been a bit sort of time for metal modelling of late so you have to do what you can.
Scratch Built Brake Van side lamps

Scratch Built Brake Van side lamps

They were made from assorted bit’s of rod and tube. – The marks are where the limonene that I used to glue them together has left a thin surface layer.

Further progress on the NBR bogie CCT

As a bit of a change from wagons and the Kirk brakes that I have been working on recently I picked up and made some progress on the NBR bogie CCT last weekend. This is now well on it’s way to being ready for the paint shop.
&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

I made a jig from a stip of styrene to mark/drill the bolt heads on the sole bars but as is usually the case when taking these photos I discovered that I had missed 8 on one side so they need to be added.
&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

&mm scale Scratch built NBR Bogies CCT

Scratchbuilt ex NBR D39B Van

Hooray,  another one bites the dust,  well apart from weathering that is.
The original plan with this was to finish it in NBR livery because the photo that I scaled for the sides is of a van still in NBR livery in 1930 but I had completely forgotten that I had stuck some of my home brewed LNER plates to the solebars so LNER Livery it is – same running number though.
Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Scrtach built ex NBR D39B Van

Further progress on the latest Silhouette Cut vans

Meanwhile in between glue drying on the second full brake I made further progress on a couple of the wagons.
The NBR Diagram 39B now sports a roof it just needs, rain strips,  wheels blackened, couplings and the painting finishing.
Scratch built vans using Slaters and Parkside spares plus a Silhouette Cutter

Scratch built vans using Slaters and Parkside spares plus a Silhouette Cutter

The NER G2 has had more detailing added to the sides, a start on detailing the solebars (they aren’t fixed yet it’s just resting on them for the photo and it’s roof cut and curved – I still need to work on the canvas roof door covering.
Still a fair way to go but it’s nearer than it was.
Scratch built vans using Slaters and Parkside spares plus a Silhouette Cutter

Scratch built vans using Slaters and Parkside spares plus a Silhouette Cutter

Kirk’s with turnbuckles.

More progress on the second one,
I got the basics of the underframe assembled and the queen posts added.  I also finished the bogie step boards and trimmed the roof to size. Next job is to solder the rods for the turnbuckles in place.
Modified 7mm Kirk Kit

Modified 7mm Kirk Kit

Modified 7mm Kirk Kit

Modified 7mm Kirk Kit

First Kirk Parcels van ready for the paint shop

Over the last week, in between working on the front garden up north and a few days out, much progress has been made on the the Kirk parcel vans.
The first is now ready for the paint shop (apart from its bogies of which I still need to finish one of them because I am upgrading it using some spare JLRT bogies on this one).
Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Modified by CombineZP

Modified by CombineZP

7mm Scaler Ian Kirk 51 foot bogie brake van

7mm Scaler Ian Kirk 51 foot bogie brake van

The roof has been done with my now usual covering of lense cleaner tissue laid in overlapping sections.
Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van8

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van8

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

Upgraded Kirk 51 Foot Bogie Brake Van

The second one has had the sides stuck together and a start made on putting the underframe together. I plan to use the Kirk fox bogies on this one because it’s going to be depicted in a much earlier timeframe. I have started to add the quite prominent step boards to them and it has changed the appearance quite considerably in my view – sorry no photos of those until next week.