Dragon Models NBR-LNER Twin Gas Tank Wagon – final details added and ready for the paint shop

Yesterday saw the build of the gas tank wagon complete.

My clumsiness when fitting the finely cast horse hooks saw one of them break in half in my hand so I fabricated some more from scrap etch they don’t look as good as the cast ones but once under the paint and grime they will be almost unnoticeable.

I also made up some more vacuum pipes from 1mm brass rod bound with 28 gauge brass beading wire and some rings of scrap etch. this gives the advantage of being able to secure them firmly to the bottom of the wagon floor as well as making them a bit more robust when being handled.

IMG_6775 IMG_6769 IMG_6767

The following are both sides and ends as they stand.

IMG_6764 IMG_6762 IMG_6763 IMG_6761