Dragon Models NBR/LNER Avery Tool Van

I was away on holiday for most of October so the bench has been a bit quiet. It was my birthday while I was away and Chris bought me some wagon kits. This meant (and I am sure it wont come as any surprise to some) that when I got back instead of finishing the CCT I started one of the birthday wagons – This is another from Dragon models Celtic connection range (former Majestic models). in the form of an Avery Tool Van

I haven’t taken any photos until now as the construction was similar to the CCT. The one change that I have made is that I tried to make the roof removable using the same method as the CCT but I couldn’t get it to sit down properly and after trying re-rolling it a couple of times I gave up and soldered it on.

This is the state of play and I hope to have it on it’s wheels and pretty much finished with a fair wind tonight.

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