Scratch built NER Shunters Truck

While reading up on the WD wagon in Essery I also noted a few pictures of a Midland Railway shunters truck similar to the ones that the GWR had. I wondered if the LNER or it’s constituents had anything similar.
An enquiry on the LNER forum revealed that the GCR has a couple and the NER had built one. No photos or drawings have emerged for the GCR examples but by fortunate coincidence I had (unbeknown to me at the time) I had a copy of the drawing for the NER example which is included in the Railway Snowploughs in the North East book by David and Claire Williamson.
I had to use a bit of modellers license in this one because although the NER built it in 1902, in 1907 it was rebuilt into a double ended snowplough (hence it’s inclusion in the book).
This is a true multimedia build:
The floor and step boards are coffee stirrers
The rest of the timber work is styrene strip
The handrail stanchions are brass split pins with piano wire rails
Brass handrail  knobs and nickel wire make up the lower handrails.
The hand brake column is a Slaters casting
The W Irons and V hangers are Slaters from the spares box as are the axle boxes but I did modify them with styrene.
The springs and hangers are scratch built from styrene strip and angle
Buffers are Haywood Railway and the couplings are Parkside.


Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck

Scratch Built 7mm Scale NER Shunters Truck