Once the sides were on the D176 I turned my attention to the bogies – yes I know that I need the underframe but there is method in my madness honest!
I need some Fox bogies for the BG and I have in the stash several sets of Newbould model Fox bogies (they are desdtined for other things but can be borrowed in the interim…).
The things about the Newbould bogies is that nice as they are there are no instructions so I had the lightbulb moment of building a set of Kemilway and a set of Newbould in tandem so that I could cross reference parts to get an idea of how the Newbould ones go together.
Below are a couple of photos of where I got to. – All is done to this point without any soldering on either pair of bogies.
First up the Kemilway version. They gave the first time that I have had to do any amount of filing, which was needed on the front and rear of the frames. To be fair the instructions do point out that you will need to make them fit properly.
So far they are similar in many respects.