David Andrews Princess Royal – Cab Hand Wheels and a Lubricator

The back head is well on it’s way now but when I got so far I realised that the only hand wheels I had were the teched nickel silver ones that came with the kit. Nickel of course looks different when you are trying to represent brass so I thought I would have a go at turning some.

I did one to work out how, but the four holes came out all over the place. Once I had a method that worked I made the three that I needed. They actually looked the part when fitted to the back head but what was missing were the handles.

Cab hand wheels
Cab hand wheels

At this size I couldn’t see any sensible way to add them to the ones that I had made so I had a rethink.
I modified the technique and made rings to solder to the face of the etches and then added half round rod for the handle. This is the best of both worlds. the right shape and three dimensional.

Modified cab Handwheels

Out of the castings that I have from the various sources the one that is missing is a sight glass lubricator which sits at the upper left above the brake valve.

Sight Glass Lubricator
Sight Glass Lubricator