The last week and a bit of modelling time has been spent tracking down shorts on the tender and isolating them. This has required me making a number of additional bushes and delrin/acetal washers.
Insulated washers and bushes
I also had to rethink the way that I had mounted the two U shaped brackets which fit across under the tender. Unthinkingly I had mounted them in the same way as on the MOK Stanier tender using small pieces of brass angle drilled and tapped for 14ba screws. Sadly when assembled these frames touch the brakes which although the shoes are insulated the hangers are not and between the two breached the insulation between tender chassis and body.
I made up some wire supports and then shortened the brackets to clear the outer frames. Below are a couple of shots of the sets that I used to get them soldered vertical to the brackets and then cut them off to the right size. I read recently on one of the forums someone say that you cannot have too many engineers clamps. I agree wholeheartedly although when used as soldering aids they do have a tendency to rust. I do have a cunning plan to get around that, I have a length of brass bar that I have had for about 10 years which will be just enough to make a pair of brass jawed clamps which shouldn’t rust.
Jig for soldering legs
I used the Expo pliers that I recommended recently to bend the corners pretty uniformly.
Jig for trimming legs
I also had a feeling that the washers which I had used to reduce the side play in the axles, might have been bigger than the insulation gaps in the wheel hubs thus creating a short, hence my making the delrin washers.