Over on one of the other forums, I was asked for help in the form of how to go about drawing up an NSR lamp post
On the basis of the drawing I had a few ideas of who I might go about it and once I had it cracked I was asked for an explanation of how I had gone about it. I thought I would share it wider as it might help someone at some point. You will have to excuse some of the wording that relates to answering the initial question. I haven’t the time at the moment to go through and re write it.
This was the drawing attached to the request for help.

First I downloaded Andy’s drawing and imported it into Fusion on the front plane. Then as I said previously, but repeated here for completeness. Because the drawing had no dimensions, I best guessed that the main part of the post would be around 10 feet tall. I was way out as it’s only around 6ft when taken right to the ground.
However using the 10ft as the basis, I created my self a User parameter of 1ft/7mm which allowed me to quickly scale the drawing to 7mm to the foot.
Next I did pretty much as Mossy had done in his test example and drew a profile of the lamp base and revolved it.

Then I worked out the middle of the column height wise and created an offset plane.

Then I created a sketch on that offset plane and drew the shape for my cut out

I nloy drew one of the shapes then used the ‘create circular pattern’ tool to create the other five. As it tuned out initially I had the outer circle slightly under the column sized so when I extruded as a cut it was actually inside the body.
I then extruded using the symmetrical function and cut command so I was going both up and down to get the cut outs in place all around the column.